Sunday 18 December 2016

Central African Wildlife Part 2.

In the second part of this African Wildlife blog i am going to talk about the Giraffe and the Zebra.
The Giraffe.
This is the tallest mammal in the world. They range between the heights of 4.6-5 meters tall. A newborn Giraffe can stand after 30 minutes. Giraffes only need up to two hours sleep a day and they have one of the longest tongues of any mammal (45cm). They spend most of their time gorging on trees . They will live in the plains of Kenya, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. They are peaceful animals but can  be hunted my other wild animals as forms of food.
The Zebra.
Zebras are well known for their distinctive black and white stripes. These stripes are actually a form of camouflage in the grasslands. There is three types of Zebra they are : The plains Zebra,The mountain Zebra and the Grevy Zebra. They roam the plains from Sudan to Zimbabwe. They are herbivores and are related to the Horse family. They are a common food for the lion as they travel in herds. However they are also under threat from humans as a result of hunting,ranching and farming.
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Central Africa is home to the most commonly related animals with Africa. Your typical lion gorilla giraffe and zebra would live in these parts of Africa. In this blog I am going to go through and explain possibly some hidden facts about these well known animals.

The Lion.
This animal is probably the most well-known animal in central Africa. It’s often referred to as the king of the jungle. This is wrong because lions do not live in the jungle. They are currently only living in six African countries. These are Kenya, Botswana, South Africa, Zambia, Tanzania and Zimbabwe.
They used to be in Europe but now they are extinct. Female Lionesses do most of the hunting while the males would mind the pride. The male lion is still the dominant force in the pride however, even though it’s the females that hunt the male lion will always eat first. The lion is probably the most well-known animal in Africa. However it is under the threat of extinction from poaching. Together we need to stop this and help preserve this beautiful animal.
The Gorilla.
This member of the ape family is known to have the biggest resemblance to a human being. In Africa there are two types of species these are the Mountain Gorilla and the Lowland Gorilla. Mountain Gorillas live in Rwanda, Congo and Uganda. The lowland Gorilla will live in the western African plains such as Gabon and Cameroon. Mountain Gorillas will have longer hair then the lowland Gorilla that’s how you can tell the difference. This animal can live for up to forty years. They are herbivores and most of their diet is made up of fruits and plant shoots. They are also extremely intelligent animals.
Next week I will continue this section talking about the Giraffe and the Zebra.

Friday 9 December 2016


Africa is the home to millions of animals varying from small insects to the mighty elephants roaming the grasslands of Kenya. The wildlife varies from country to country. This week I am focusing on the animals of northern Africa more precisely the Sahara Desert and what conditions it takes to be able to survive.
There is a very wide range of adaptable animals living in the Sahara. Probably the most well known and popular would be the camel. This mighty creature stands at 6ft 1 inches tall and is most well known for the hump on its back most people think that this Hump is used for storing water, however you would be amazed to know that this isn't true. The hump is actually used for nourishment and nutrition when the camel goes a long time without food. Camels can go for long periods of time without water but the Hump will store no liquid only yellow like fat. Camels will live for 40-50 years in total. you may ask how on earth do camels survive in the desert with all the sandstorms? well in fact camels have two sets of eyelashes and they have the ability to be able to close there nostrils and lips.
However camels aren't just the only animals that live in the Sahara another common species is the ostrich. this isn't a typical animal that you would think of when you hear the words Sahara dessert but ostrich's are the largest land animals in the world. It can run as fast as 40 miles an hour. these birds have wings of sorts but sadly to some they are unable to fly.                 
           Moving away from the desert side of things one of the most common animals living in North Africa is the Jerboa. These animals are most commonly found in Egypt and Libya. These animals are members of the rodent family. However they don't walk but instead they hop on their back legs. This animal also likes to bury itself in the ground.                                                                      

            Next week I will be concentrating my post on Central African wildlife.     

Friday 2 December 2016

Hi my name is Daniel and this is my blog on African Wildlife.